Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Done before day 1?

I had been cycling and trail running this year, and very much enjoying both. Running had been especially welcome during miserable weather, darkness, etc. So, it was ironic that two weeks before the trip I had my first trail running fall having decided it was wiser to run the trails than to cycle in heavy traffic and fading light. I will spare you the details, but the day before I was to leave for Italy my MRI results came back and trumped my "clean x-rays" of my left hand and showed a high grade tear of my ulnar collateral ligament in my left thumb and that surgery would be required.

So, I wrestled with whether to try at all. I was in significant pain and this trip was a stretch without injury. In the end, though, I decided it was paid for and it was worth giving it a go as long as I was prepared to pack it in on the first descent if I felt unsafe (I had not ridden since the accident to try and let it heal). I am scared of surgery, so at least I could defer that for a few days ;)

Back to the present for a moment, here I am post-op (done the first business day after the trip). This will also give an image of me typing with one hand while on Rush Limbaugh's favorite pain killers ....

Anywho, I made it to the pre-ride briefing in San Pellegrino, met the guys (and gal) who would be riding and started to get excited .... the Dolomites are likely my favorite spot on earth, and this looked to be a great adventure with a good group. The taxi ride in to SP had introduced me to a few of the guys (UK, Denmark, USA) and I was quite impressed with them (proper names are generally being avoided to protect the innocent, fwiw -- if CCC folks are reading the goal is to present you but not put names to faces publicly, just look for your pictures).
After introducing ourselves, Phil explained the challenge and previewed the first stage. The x factor appeared to be the gravel road, which wouldlikely  not be passable given all the recent rain (rain forecast for the stage as well). Phil assured us he had a plan, so I finished assembling my trusty Pegoretti (with a bit of expert help from our mechanic due to contents shifting during travel), got my ice bag and ibuprofen, and set off for bed ...

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