Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stage 5: September 7, 2012 -- The Classics

98 miles, 15,749 feet

Today was all the classics, though done counter clockwise. Giau, Valparola, Gardena, Sella, Pordoi, Campolongo. Then the boogeyman of the Fedaia loomed, a climb even Gibo Simoni didn't much care for. I had done all the climbs other than the Fedaia the other way, and frankly that was the only thing keeping me going since I felt horrible from both a gastro-intestinal perspective and my back pain. Thankfully this would be the low point physically, but I could not know that at the time. I just told myself to make it to lunch, and then see from there. The other thing bolstering me was the fact I love Alta Badia and the Ladin culture. We would see more German motorcycles than Ladin costumes, but this was still tourist season in the Dolomites ...

I started later with some of the faster folks, so I was soon at the back until we caught up to some earlier starters. As usual, Ole rode as if he could tear my legs off at any time, but just chose not to ...

The climbs of the Sella Ring are well known, so I will let the views speak for themselves here.

Only the climb to the Campolongo remained to lunch: Canada Rob nicked some gravel and then had a cheeky spill in Arraba. Bummer, eh? He would just get some tape for his broken shoe and continue kicking ass, of course (no pics).
So, Fedaia, or no? I decided to go for it, especially since we would be hitting the narrow road that is for pedestrians and cyclists only (2 Euros for cyclists) that the Giro uses before rejoining the pitiless slog that is the Fedaia. The beginning was magical, if steep ...
 After seeing Tim "Poulidor" fly by and chatting with Lars, it was a solitary trudge through the 12-14% ramps until the first cafe appeared. I then grabbed two cokes, chugged them down and headed for the top ... through the 15% ramps Phil failed to mention ....
 Yikes (look up and left)!
 Cool dudes all smiles ...
Jen rocking the house (just wait for week 2!)
Rather than linger at the top I bombed down past the glacier to Canazei, and got ready for a rest day! Had anyone said I would have done all the climbs up to this point, I would have laughed, but with each day I became more determined not to drop one.
I had dinner with the Canadian contingent (Rob, Sergio, Norm, Terry) and enjoyed a wonderful meal and great Lagrein!

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